
Using the ATLA database in the Harold F. Hunter Online library, find the following article, and write a 400-word response to it.

The Old Testament Theology. Perspectives in Religious Studies Using the ATLA database in the Harold F. Hunter Online library, find the following article, and write a 400-word response to it. Wallace, Robert E. 2017. “The Psalms as a Place to Begin for an Old Testament Theology.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 44 (2): 239–48.

Prepare a book review discussing on walls, cages, and family separation race and immigration policy in the Trump Era.

Book Review 2: Walls, Cages, and Family Separation Race and Immigration Policy in the Trump Era What historical arguments is Wallace & Zepeda-Millán making (across diff epochs). Pick and choose what historical episodes you think are important to include What Key Concepts are they utilizing as analytic framework(s): i.e., _____ Primary sources Cultural production(s) analyzed […]

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