How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American society that caused the Great Depression?

Answer the following prompt: The 1920’s ushered in a sense of an “American way of life” built upon business, consumerism, and prosperity. The Great Depression revealed that not all Americans could realize that American way of life. How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American […]

Discuss 3 major themes of particular relevance to women that should be traced through the history of American women.

You are a distinguished historian of American women. For that reason, a major publisher has asked you to supervise revision of its college-level U.S. history survey textbook which, as it now stands, has very little coverage of women. In a 6+ page essay, please summarize your recommendations of the necessary changes and additions. Your 6+ […]

What does the Japanese American Citizens League aspire to accomplish with their proposal that the language used to represent the Japanese internment in the United States during WWII should not involve euphemisms.

Read Chapter 12 in Everything’s an Argument pp. 286–317 Read “From The Power of Words” by the Japanese American Citizens League, pp. 667–76 What does the Japanese American Citizens League aspire to accomplish with their proposal that the language used to represent the Japanese internment in the United States during WWII should not involve euphemisms. […]

How were human rights viewed before WWII versus after?

Basic Requirements: • 1000-1200 words. • 1 in margins, Times New Roman, 12pt font. • Any sources must be cited using any of the major citation styles: APA, MLA, Chicago. • Answer ALL questions in one single, coherent essay (NOT a list of questions). Guided Questions: • What are human rights? (*) o How were […]

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