Describe each test performed giving the function of the test, what is tested for, the reagent needed (if applicable), and the expected observations and results.

  • Materials and Methods –
    • Describe each test performed giving the function of the test, what is tested for, the reagent needed (if applicable), and the expected observations and results. DO NOT DESCRIBE THE INDIVIDUAL STEPS. ALSO DO NOT LIST MATERIALS.  A short paragraph on each test will do.

 Example of a paragraph from materials and methods section

 Mannitol Salt agar is both a selective and differential medium. The selective agent is high salt concentration (7.5% NaCl). Only bacteria capable of tolerating salt at or above this concentration will grow. If the microorganism is a mannitol fermenter, it will release acid and turn the medium around the colony yellow. Therefore, mannitol fermenters can be differentiated from non-mannitol fermenters. This test is usually used for the isolation and differentiation of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus.

Describe each test performed giving the function of the test, what is tested for, the reagent needed (if applicable), and the expected observations and results.
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