Describe whether or not the dataand statistical tests support yourpredictions.

Focus on the following points for your discussion:

• Describe whether or not the dataand statistical tests support your predictions.

• For any results that don’t support your predictions, give possible explanations as to why the results didn’t support your hypothesis; note any flaws in the lab procedure that may have influenced the results, but more importantly you should also mention possible biological reasons as to why the results might differ from what you predict.•Specifically address the following questions: Why did we use only the largest hardwoods for the t-tests rather than allthe hardwoods? What do the number of small hardwoods vs. young pines (<60 cm) indicate? Why would you use only trees over 80 cm rather than all the pines and hardwoods for the Fisher’s exact test? Was the data similar between 2012 and 2019? Does that give more confidence or less confidence in the results? The t-tests in part 3 c & d in the Results section above are specifically testing how well the data was replicated from one yearto another. Should there be a significant difference in measurements taken in the same forest area? Do you expect a high p-value or low p-value from those t-tests? 14 points

Describe whether or not the dataand statistical tests support yourpredictions.
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