Describe the environmental changes that cause metamorphism, including changes in temperature, confining (burial) pressure, directed stress and hydrothermal fluids

  • Describe the environmental changes that cause metamorphism, including changes in temperature, confining (burial) pressure, directed stress and hydrothermal fluids
  • Recognize that metamorphic changes occur in the solid state; melting is an igneous process.
  • Know the types of alterations that rocks undergo via metamorphism: changes in mineral structure, change in mineral/clast shape due to plastic deformation and partial dissolution, new mineral formation, texture changes (foliation and recrystallization)
  • Temperature range of metamorphism and sources of added heat that cause rocks to metamorphose
  • Sources of confining pressure and directed pressure on rocks
  • Explain what foliation looks like and what conditions cause foliation to form
  • Factors that influence the nature of the metamorphic rock (parent rock (protolith) and metamorphic grade)
  • Explain what is meant by metamorphic grade; list common foliated rocks in order of increasing metamorphic grade
  • Define metamorphic index minerals and explain their significance in determining the metamorphic conditions under which rocks formed
  • Using a phase diagram, determine the temperature and pressure of metamorphism by mineral(s) present in rock
  • Know these common metamorphic rocks: whether they are foliated, description of foliation, common protolith, how we identify these rocks: quartzite, marble, slate, schist, phyllite, gneiss. Of the ones that are foliated, be able to list them in grade order.
  • Types of metamorphism, especially regional and contact; where they occur
  • Explain the concept of metamorphic facies (you don’t have to memorize them)
Describe the environmental changes that cause metamorphism, including changes in temperature, confining (burial) pressure, directed stress and hydrothermal fluids
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