Explain the differences between continental and alpine glaciation.

  • Explain the differences between continental and alpine glaciation.
  • Summarize how snow and ice accumulate above the equilibrium line and are converted to ice.
  • Explain how basal sliding and internal flow facilitate the movement of ice from the upper part to the lower part of a glacier.
  • Describe and identify the various landforms related to alpine glacial erosion, including U-shaped valleys, arêtes, cols, horns, hanging valleys, truncated spurs, drumlins, roches moutonées, glacial grooves, and striae.
  • Identify various types of glacial lakes, including tarns, finger lakes, moraine lakes, and kettle lakes.
  • Describe the nature and origins of lodgement till, ablation till, and glaciofluvial, glaciolacustrine, and glaciomarine sediments.
Explain the differences between continental and alpine glaciation.
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