How would factors such as type of visual impairment, life stage, personality and social support impact on this stage of adjustment?

This is a simple discussion board entry. Does not have to be long at all. Use simple wording. I also attached two documents with this week’s notes. Please make sure you follow the directions.
I included on the bottom one of the student’s responses to the two phases they choose.

In case you want to look at that.I also would like you to briefly respond to the students responses with a simple sentence or two please and thank you.

The assignment:
In order to be effective in providing services to a person who is experiencing loss and grief in response to a visual impairment, we need to able to recognize the stages of grieving, understand the dynamics, and have strategies to support the person and help him/her or her move forward. This discussion is designed to help you do so.

Select two of the phases of adjustment to visual impairment described in the Tuttle and Tuttle text, and respond to the following prompts:
1. What might you expect to see and hear from a person during this phase of adjustment?
2. How would factors such as type of visual impairment, life stage, personality and social support impact on this stage of adjustment?
3. How might concomitant losses be a factor in this stage?
4. How might you in your professional role as well as the person’s social support network assist the individual to move through this phase of adjustment?
You may also draw on the stages of grief developed by Elizabeth Kubler Ross to support your response.

Phase One: Trauma, Physical or Social
Phase Two: Shock and Denial
Phase Three: Mourning and Withdrawal
Phase Four: Succumbing and Depression
Phase Five: Reassessment and Reaffirmation Attachment
Phase Six: Coping and Mobilization Attachment
Phase Seven: Self-Acceptance and Self Esteem Attachment

The students response:
RE: Phase Two: Shock and Denial
1. What might you expect to see and hear from a person during this phase of adjustment?
” I can’t believe this is happening to me” or “I’m too shocked to feel anything” or “This isnt actually happening”

2. How would factors such as type of visual impairment, life stage, personality and social support impact on this stage of adjustment?
This phase is especially prevelant in young people who would never expect to be losing their vision at this age.

If a person is particularly religious, sometimes they may be in such strong denial they believe that God is going to fix their vision and work a miracle. This can be especially hard if the individual has a social group that is also in denial about the vision loss.

3. How might concomitant losses be a factor in this stage?
They may deny other aspects of loss as well. If there is not gentle intervention, a person can spiral into denying a lot- and it could become a dangerous situation.

How would factors such as type of visual impairment, life stage, personality and social support impact on this stage of adjustment?
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