What is the difference between MONOCISTRONIC and POLYCISTRONIC mRNA?

Which of the following elements is EQUIVALENT to the PRIBNOW BOX in prokaryotes?
the trans-acting general transcription factors in eukaryotes.
the regulatory elements such as CAAT box or CG box in eukaryotes.
the cis- acting general transcription factors in eukaryotes. the silencer elements in eukaryotes. ./ the TATA box in the core promoter in eukaryotes.
Question 7
1 / 1 point
What is the difference between MONOCISTRONIC and POLYCISTRONIC mRNA?
monocistronic: mRNA that is translated by one single ribosome, polycistronic: mRNA that is translated by two or more ribosomes.
monocistronic: mRNA that is transcribed by ONE DNA polymerase, polycistronic: mRNA that is transcribed by many nNA nnivmprncpc

What is the difference between MONOCISTRONIC and POLYCISTRONIC mRNA?
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