Evaluate Covid 19 Impact of on Wells Fargo.

Covid 19 Impact of on Wells Fargo

Table of Contents (1 page) – follow the outline provided below and identify the team members who contributed most significantly to each section of the paper.

Body of Paper (10 pages) containing appropriately labeled section headers:

Executive Summary (briefly describe the business challenge and your recommendations) – 1 page
Business Scenario (citing at least 3 current articles – published in the last 6 months – describing the specific challenges the business is facing) – 2 pages
Recommended Leadership Approaches (6 pages) – provide realistic, actionable recommendations applying the chosen leadership insights, concepts and techniques to the business scenario, and citing at least 6 relevant journal articles – in addition to our course materials.
Conclusion (describe how the recommendations will complement each other to address the business challenge) – 1 page
References – At least 3 about the business and its challenge (all published within the last 6 months) AND at least 6 sources to support your recommendations (published within the last 2 years), along with our course text.
IMPORTANT: View this as a consulting opportunity. Be sure your recommendations are substantive (i.e. would be valuable to the current executive leadership team and/or Board).

Evaluate Covid 19 Impact of on Wells Fargo.
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