Conduct research on financial aid disbursement to underprivileged and vulnerable society segments in Jordan through mobile money following the the outbreak of COVID-19.

This assignment has to be presented in a form of a research paper :

Research task: Conduct research on financial aid disbursement to underprivileged and vulnerable society segments in Jordan through mobile money following the the outbreak of COVID-19.

• Your research piece should not exceed 4 pages.
• Your research should include the information you collect and your own insights
on the topic.

• Your research should cover the development of aid payment following COVID 19 in Jordan, institutions adopting mobile money, user behaviour, challenges and gaps, and the way forward.
• Support your research with numbers and statistics.

• After analyzing the status of aid disbursement through mobile money, include recommendations on how to expand the uptake and active usage of mobile money by aid beneficiaries

Conduct research on financial aid disbursement to underprivileged and vulnerable society segments in Jordan through mobile money following the the outbreak of COVID-19.
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