Determine the preralcnce of oral and/or pen-oral piercings in adolescents and young adults based on a systematic review of the available evidence based literature from no later that year 2013.

Dental hygiene

Informative Research Paster Topic Assignment
Maite D. Montesiao
Topic: Clearly defines puiposeireason for the poster presentation; lntbrmation is usefid and/or pertinent Liu* clinical
practice or theory.


Intra-oral and perioral piercing prevalence, complications, and possible side ellt,cts among adolescents and young


Objective(s) are clearly presented and appropriate for the topic.
This study;

Aims to objectively evaluate risks, side effects, and complications of oral and perioral piercings among adolescent and young adults.

Determine the preralcnce of oral and/or pen-oral piercings in adolescents and young adults based on a systematic review of the available evidence based literature from no later that year 2013.

Assess the reported occurrence oftutdesirable consequences, both minor and important, following skin or mucosal pe•tbration. or due to the constant presence of pluck’s, both oral and perloral.


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Oral piercing and oral diseases: a short time retrospective study. Int J Med Sci, 2011:8(8):649-52. doi:
10.7150/ijms.8.649. Epub 2011 Oct 18. PMID: 22135610: PMCID: PMC3204433.
Lanarz-Bartyzel K, Chomyszyn-Gajewska M. Olszewska-Czyz 1, Kantorowici M. Miejscowe powiklania
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Stein T, Jordan JD. Health considerations for oral piercing and the policies that influence them. l ex Ihlit .1. 2o12
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Determine the preralcnce of oral and/or pen-oral piercings in adolescents and young adults based on a systematic review of the available evidence based literature from no later that year 2013.
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