Other than temperature, state three examples where similar averages are associated with very different distributions.Discuss how that might work in more detail.

Assess Graphs Critically

The study field is statistics. This is a discussion post.
Resources Video link https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/59wFBQX4ZoIHpxE_iuqtqJYSZgN3uFMM

In this video, the professor discusses how sometimes what is interesting about a data set is not its average but how much it varies. He compares the weather in New York and San Francisco, which have similar average annual temperatures, even though New York has hot summers and cold winters and San Francisco has similar temperatures year-round. Quartiles as a measure of variation are explored by using the price of food on take-out menus.

Option 1

Other than temperature, state three examples where similar averages are associated with very different distributions.
Go deeper with one, and discuss how that might work in more detail.

Other than temperature, state three examples where similar averages are associated with very different distributions.Discuss how that might work in more detail.
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