Did you encounter ads using behavioral targeting to reach you?Revisit your favorite news website or fashion/sports magazine site and see what ads are shown on the site.

Marketing: An Introduction (14th Edition) Gary Armstrong – Chapter 14 Direct, Online, Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Read the chapter and answer the following questions [to facilitate references later on for the purpose of test-taking, make sure you bold or underline key concepts, use bullet points, and note down the page numbers on the textbook for each concept]:

1 a. List the benefits of direct and digital marketing

b. List the traditional forms of direct marketing.

c. List the forms of online marketing.

d. List the problems in direct and digital marketing.

e. Define viral marketing and provide an example.

2. a) Go to your favorite news website or fashion/sports magazine site and see what ads are shown on the site.

b) Now go to the browser’s history and clear all the browsing history. Revisit your favorite news website or fashion/sports magazine site and see what ads are shown on the site.

c) Visit your favorite online store and put a few items in the shopping cart. Leave the site without checking out. See if you will see ads from the store later on when you visit other sites. If yes, it is called retargeting.

d) Visit your favorite hobby or car site and browse a little. Now revisit your favorite news website or fashion/sports magazine site and see what ads are shown on the site.

e) google “behavioral targeting’” and read the definition. Did you encounter ads using behavioral targeting to reach you? If yes, give an example.

3. Watch the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWuioPHhz0 (Links to an external site.)
and list the tactics you use to protect your own privacy online

Did you encounter ads using behavioral targeting to reach you?Revisit your favorite news website or fashion/sports magazine site and see what ads are shown on the site.
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