What is included in the mix like television ads, trade show marketing, press releases, newspaper and online advertising and social media activities, and special events?

Marketing Plan (primary heading for this section)

Marketing Strategy -should detail how the organization will achieve the following ;

Market Penetration
What is your organizations projections for capturing new market share for the SBP period?

Organization’s Business Growth – per the SBP –
(What areas will growth occur?

Promotional Mix
(Include the parts of the marketing campaign – what it consist of?)
What is included in the mix like television ads, trade show marketing, press releases, newspaper and online advertising and social media activities, and special events?

What is the primary message(s) that will need to be communicated to the organization’s customers/patients/stakeholders?

Online marketing – Keyword strategy / to optimize search engine customer searches so the organization’s website shows up at the top of the page. Example – https://www.wordstream.com/keyword-strategy /What are the keywords and social media strategy (how will it be done).

Is there a monthly newsletter / loyalty program (benefits for existing customers like health seminars, use of smartphone messaging alerts / What is the retention strategy to keep loyal customers loyal?

Marketing Team
Who participates in the marketing efforts during the on-going marketing program?

What specialist are included (like social media specialist) to achieve the marketing goals?

How were they recruited, trained / is there a need to hire more staff?

Marketing with Community Agencies

What outside groups will assist in the marketing plan such as the health department, community agencies, associations, others etc.?


What is the current referral strategy (like physician or discharge planners, etc.) used to maximize patient referrals to the organization?

What are the strategies to increase referrals?

Marketing Plan Adjustment
Make a contact to the organization to be able to get updated information. Speak on the telephone/or brief zoom – interview.

What has been changed or modified because of COVID-19?

Other issues/challenges/changes for marketing the SBP?

What is included in the mix like television ads, trade show marketing, press releases, newspaper and online advertising and social media activities, and special events?
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