Do a research on the insect and interpret their findings into a report that outlines their phylogeny and biology. Enhance the scientific communication of entomology to an audience.


Each student should summarize their written case study into a 5 minute presentation for the rest of the class. This assignment is to enhance the scientific communication of entomology to an audience.

Students will be allocated 5 mins to discuss their chosen topic, then a further 5 mins for questions from the audience. Students are expected to use powerpoint to enhance the presentation. Students will both be graded on the quality of their presentation, format of slides and their ability to engage in questioning.

Its more of the study in “Entomology”
This insect could be, but is not limited to, those of medical, agricultural or conservation importance.

Students will work to research the insect and interpret their findings into a report that outlines their phylogeny and biology.

Do a research on the insect and interpret their findings into a report that outlines their phylogeny and biology. Enhance the scientific communication of entomology to an audience.
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