How did the Nazis popularize their message and why did it find such a receptive audience? What if Hitler and Goebbels had social media?


Each question should be addressed in between 500 to 1000 words. Answers should be laid out in an understandable fashion, with citations if possible.

Here are the questions:

1. You have been appointed by the Catholic Church to devise a social media and advertising campaign to address young people. How can the Church best reach the new generation, what themes and techniques make the most sense?

2. Socialism has been a major influence on politics globally for well over 150 years. How did it succeed to persuade people to support it? What techniques were used? And could these techniques or upgraded ones be used today?

3. National socialism is often seen as brutal and primitivistic, but in terms of propaganda, it was remarkably effective. How did the Nazis popularize their message and why did it find such a receptive audience? What if Hitler and Goebbels had social media?

How did the Nazis popularize their message and why did it find such a receptive audience? What if Hitler and Goebbels had social media?
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