How is class depicted in the film, Parasite (2019)? Does this depiction support or challenge Marx and Engels’ conception of class?

Your task is to watch the movie Parasite (directed by Bong Joonho, 2019) and
write an argumentative essay using Marx that answers the two questions listed

You are required to access and watch this film on your own. It is widely available. It is currently available on Crave. It is also available to rent for $4.99 on Google Play or Youtube

Watch the film and answer the following two questions in written form:

1. According to Marx and Engels, what exactly is class and how does class relate to history? Be sure to use course readings to directly formulate your answer (using Marx is required. All other readings are optional, so use them if/when you need them).

2. How is class depicted in the film, Parasite (2019)? Does this depiction support or challenge Marx and Engels’ conception of class? Explain with reference to scenes in the film.

How is class depicted in the film, Parasite (2019)? Does this depiction support or challenge Marx and Engels’ conception of class?
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