Write an Article Critique on the Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Programs in Prisons and Jails: Perspectives from England and the USA.” Pp. 21–52.

Follow the instructions in the assignment outline, especially the the 4 evaluation criteria closely. This professor is also very picky about following guidelines. Ive also attached rates readings below.

1. Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Programs in Prisons and Jails: Perspectives from England and the USA.” Pp. 21–52
2. Prisoner Relationships with Voluntary Sector Practitioners.” Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55(1-2):57–72
3. Vox Liminis. 2020. The Difference We Make
4. It’s Kinda Punishment’: Tandem Logics and Penultimate Power in the Penal Voluntary Sector.” Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 58(3):298–312
5. Devolving the carceral state: Race, prisoner reentry, and the micro-politics of urban poverty management.” Punishment & Society 16(3):305–335.
6. Security Culture: Surveillance and Responsibilization in a Prisoner Reentry Organization.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 49(3):390–413
7. Tomczak, Philippa and David Thompson. 2017. “Inclusionary control? Theorizing the effects of penal voluntary organizations’ work.” Theoretical Criminology 23(1):4–24.
8. Maier, Katharina. 2020. “Intermediary workers: Narratives of supervision and support work within the halfway house setting.” Probation Journal 67(4):410–426.
9. Quirouette, Marianne. 2021. “‘The Struggle is Real’”: Punitive Assessment in Community Services.” Punishment & Society. Online first.

Write an Article Critique on the Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Programs in Prisons and Jails: Perspectives from England and the USA.” Pp. 21–52.
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