Create a page discussing the historical and cultural changes in the UK and how these have impacted sport and exercise.

BTEC Assessment Brief (2)


You are working for a sporting organisation who want to start including historical and cultural information on their website. You have been asked to create a page discussing the historical and cultural changes in the UK and how these have impacted sport and exercise.

Task 1.1

Historical Changes in the UK

Learning Aim B: Investigate the historical and cultural changes and the social and ethical issues that have impacted on sport and exercise development in the UK.

Create a timeline encompassing the historical and cultural changes in sport and the impact this had on society.

§  You must include urbanisation and industrialisation

Cultural Changes in the UK

Learning Aim B: Investigate the historical and cultural changes and the social and ethical issues that have impacted on sport and exercise development in the UK.

 Write a report, discussing 3 social and ethical issues in the UK from the following social issues:



Participation initiatives

Ethical issues.

To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:

Explain how historical and cultural changes in the UK have impacted in sport and exercise

Explain how social and ethical issues in the UK have been addressed by sport and exercise

Analyse how historical and cultural changes in the UK have impacted on sport and exercise

Analyse how social and ethical issues in the UK have been addressed by sport and exercise

Evaluate the impact of historical, cultural, social and ethical issues on the development of sport and exercise in the UK.

Create a page discussing the historical and cultural changes in the UK and how these have impacted sport and exercise.
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