Synthesize key ideas and theories from the module in terms of your own professional context, and critically evaluate an innovation in your workplace.

Agency or Identity and Innovation

This assignment requires you to synthesize key ideas and theories from the module in terms of your own professional context, and critically evaluate an innovation in your workplace.

Part 1(1000 words)

Select one of the key concepts within the module (e.g. agency, identity, views of knowledge) that seems of most relevance to your professional context or the setting you are familiar with.

Provide a summary that synthesises the main ideas associated with this key concept as it applies to your own professional context, drawing upon the work of key theorists.

You should draw explicitly on your contributions to the TGF4 discussions.

A brief anecdote might help contextualise the concept chosen. Get to the point within 100 words and use the remaining 900 words to synthesise the main ideas associated with a concept that is not contested too much.

Part 2(2000 words)

Critically evaluate one particular innovation in your workplace or the setting you are familiar with, which resulted in a change (e.g. in practice, identity, attitudes, teaching, learning outcomes, etc.).

Your evaluation should include the factors that led to the change and the impact of the leadership actions. You should draw as widely as you can on relevant theoretical frameworks and concepts from the module (preferably with more than four sources), particularly from Section 4.

Come up with a strong scenario and critically evaluate. It is advisable to have a specific line of critique that you may elaborate on. Once you have an overall line of critical argument you may begin to plan your writing fully

Synthesize key ideas and theories from the module in terms of your own professional context, and critically evaluate an innovation in your workplace.
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