Write a contextual Analysis 6-7 pages then you will describe the current social, political, economical and ideological context.

social work policy

For the bill for this particular paper is House Bill 6 ” the American Dream and Promise Act”

above is the easiest link to looking at the bill but it is a popular bill and there is thousands of news articles about it also and they can be used too and websites as references.

The bolded words did not transfer so explain the titles and subtitles of the paragraphs you will need to start with the contextual Analysis (bolded)

Start with the contextual Analysis 6-7 pages then you will describe the current social, political, economical and ideological context of questions 1-6 with the following subtitles:

economic factors that are contributing to the social welfare problem
2. Overview Public opinion/ social context
3. Current programs and services
4. Impact on the social work profession
5. Potential negative consequences
6. Macro System, Mezzo System, and Micro System

Public Recommendation (bolded heading) 3-4 pages

1. specific bill or policy change
2. Overview policy alternatives
3. Intended impact(s) for affected individuals and communities
4. proposed solution
5. Social work values

Write a contextual Analysis 6-7 pages then you will describe the current social, political, economical and ideological context.
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