Complete the series of self-tests provided to you and write up a summary that best represents who you are based on the five (5) self-tests altogether.

Self-Evaluation and Self-Reflection

1000 words (+/- 10%) words

This assessment involves the completion of a series of self-tests, and a reflection on the self-test results.

Complete the series of self-tests provided to you.

These self-tests are: (1) VIA Character Strength; (2) Conflict Management Scale; (3) Career Values Test; (4) Work Values Test; and (5) Team Roles Test (see instructions in slides)

Based on your interpretation of the results, write a summary to discuss the result of each self-test.

Your summary should showcase your capacity to self-reflect and synthesise who you are in terms of your strengths and points to develop (VIA Character Strength), your preferred way(s) for managing conflict (Conflict Management Scale), your career values (Career Values Test), your work values (Work Values Test), and the roles you are likely to take in a team (Team Roles Test).

Write up a summary that best represents who you are based on the five (5) self-tests altogether


Complete the series of self-tests provided to you and write up a summary that best represents who you are based on the five (5) self-tests altogether.
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