Discuss the pricing strategy of the company – are they premium priced? Does the company offer a range of products covering various price ranges?

Marketing Strategies

Write about the company you chose. Write on the points below. Research and make sure you read Chapter 12 in your book before reviewing the company’s website for information needed below:

The Marketing Mix

Describe the products (goods and services) this company offers.


Discuss the pricing strategy of the company – are they premium priced? Value priced? Does the company offer a range of products covering various price ranges?


Explain how and where this company sells its products.


What is the main brand (or brands)?

Briefly describe how this company advertises.

Social Media Marketing

Identify and describe how this company uses social networks.

Summarize and provide your overall opinion of this company’s marketing mix.

If you were the marketing manager, describe one change you would make to improve the marketing strategy.


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Discuss the pricing strategy of the company – are they premium priced? Does the company offer a range of products covering various price ranges?
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