Using the INDIRECT APPROACH, write a refusal e-mail to this patron, applying what you have learned about sending negative messages.

Social Sciences

You are the Associate Manager in-training of a service/hospitality/retail establishment on the College Campus (for instance, the Monroe College restaurant, the gym, or the College Bookstore).

A regular patron wrote your boss an e-mail saying that she lost her backpack containing her class materials for the semester when she was in last week; in her e-mail, she has asked your boss to pay for her losses.

Clearly posted on the wall at the entrance to your establishment, however, is a sign advising all guests that the management is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings.

Your boss wants you to experience all facets of administration and so has asked you to reply to the e-mail.

Using the INDIRECT APPROACH, write a refusal e-mail to this patron, applying what you have learned about sending negative messages.

Be sure to include any alternative you can offer this faithful customer.

Using the INDIRECT APPROACH, write a refusal e-mail to this patron, applying what you have learned about sending negative messages.
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