Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets.

John F. Kennedy AIRPORT

Part I: Brainstorming list of Assets
For the first part of this assignment, brainstorm to determine all of the assets in the chosen environment. Be sure to include all “types’ of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets.

That list will be used to help complete the Matrix in Part II (the list below is a starting point; there may be more or less assets in your specific environment).
1. Terminal 4
2. Air crafts
3. JFK Air Control Tower
4. Parking
5. People
6. Runaway
7. JFK AirTrain
8. Cargo facilities
9. Custom border patrol
10. Taxi

Part II: Evaluation of Assets
Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Note the instructions for each section of the matrix. Additionally, you can add to this matrix if more space is needed.
Be sure to include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. Use your brainstorm list to help with this.
Catalog and audit your assets, e.g. How many groups of people, buildings, etc. do you have in the environment?
Rank the value of assets
Who and/or what is the most vulnerable to be attacked? Give your rationale.
A. Assets B. State Asset Value C. Rank Asset Value D. Rank Vulnerability of Assets
Ex. People Ex. How many people and/or groups of people? Ex. The people are #1 in value. Ex. The people are ranked #2 vulnerability because the building is a bank, making it #1.
Terminal 4 Terminal 4 is the largest terminal at JFK. It holds over 30 international airlines, 12,000 workers and 21 established businesses within the Terminal (About T4,n.d) Terminal 4 are in #1 value Terminal 4 is ranked #1 vulnerability because of the invested 1.4 billion funds to create the largest terminal in JFK .It’s also one of the only terminals that gates the biggest International Airlines (About T4,n.d)
Parking There are a total of 6 parking garages located adjacent to every terminal. These parking lots are multi-level so they have the capacity to hold thousands of cars. Airport parking is #2 in value. Parking is ranked #2 in vulnerability because it generates revenue for long term stays (most commonly used here ) is at 20-$70 per day depending on which parking garage is used (JFK,n.d)
JFK Air Control Tower
Cargo facilities
JFK AirTrain

Custom Border Patrol

Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets.
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