
Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets.

John F. Kennedy AIRPORT Part I: Brainstorming list of Assets For the first part of this assignment, brainstorm to determine all of the assets in the chosen environment. Be sure to include all “types’ of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. That list will be used to help […]

Briefly describe arguments in favor of continuing automation in cockpits of advanced aircrafts and how it may increase overall safety despite rare cases of failures.

The Evolution of Technology in Aviation State a hypothesis pertaining to the evolution of technology in aviation. Then, briefly describe arguments in favor of continuing automation in cockpits of advanced air-crafts and how it may increase overall safety despite rare cases of failures. And consider counterarguments (alternative positions) of other experts on how automation may […]

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