Adam Smith

Discuss the statement provided with reference to the specific intellectual and socio-economic contexts within which Smith was writing.

Response Paper You are to choose one of the following questions and write your response using the ‘required reading’ and other material that is indicated immediately below it. You are welcome to draw on any other sources that you feel may be relevant for that question. But the minimum criterion is to utilise this ‘required […]

Why did Smith think that “rational self-interest” was good for the economy? How are Smith’s ideas about economics similar to the Founders’ ideas about government?

Adam Smith Questions: Who is Adam Smith? Why did Smith think that “rational self-interest” was good for the economy? What role did Smith believe the government should play in the economy? How are Smith’s ideas about economics similar to the Founders’ ideas about government? What two things are required for the free market to operate […]

How does Smith’s completely new description/understanding of a country’s wealth change the approach to trade? What does this recasting of wealth say about his view of humanity?

The Real Adam Smith (2016) by Johan Norberg In class we watched Part 2 of The Real Adam Smith: Markets and Morality. The following questions on Part 2 are a regular assignment worth 20 points. 1. How does Adam Smith “subvert” the contemporary distinctions between the right and left? 2. How would you characterize the […]

What aspects about Weil’s life and thought portrayed in the film “An Encounter with Weil” reflects how seriously she took being morally obligated to others?

ASSIGNMENT Write a 5 to 6-page paper one of the following three questions. DO NOT WRITE ON MORE THAN ONE! All papers must be typed with standard margins (double spaced) in 12-point font. Question 1: Adam Smith and Karl Marx proceed from a shared premise, but arrive at radically different conclusions about capitalism. What is […]

Compare and contrast the liberals and radicals of the revolutionary age, keeping in mind that they will form the basis of the rebel cause during the American Revolution.

Recorded Lesson: Revolutionary Stirrings II During the global Age of Revolution & rebellion, numerous factions struggled against systems of domination, exploitation, and suppression. Within this struggle, two general groups of people, sometimes referred to as “classical liberals” and “radicals,” forged partnerships against the old monarchal ruling class and the rule of European empires. Compare and […]

What are the differences between an international business firm, a multinational corporation, multi-domestic corporation and a global corporation?

Directions: In 2-3 paragraphs, answer the following questions in a comprehensive and detailed manner using your own words, without being verbose (in other words, no fluff). Specifics are important but so are sentence structures and grammar. Finally, give make sure you provide citations to each answer. What are the differences between an international business firm, […]

Discuss the basis for Rothbard’s claims and whether, in your own view, there is any justification for them.

Rothbard 1996 claims that Adam Smith was not the founder of economics, was a shameless plagiarist and that he ‘originated nothing that was true and that whatever he originated was wrong’ Discuss the basis for Rothbard’s claims and whether, in your own view, there is any justification for them. Recommended sources and additional sources also […]

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