John Locke

Compare and contrast the liberals and radicals of the revolutionary age, keeping in mind that they will form the basis of the rebel cause during the American Revolution.

Recorded Lesson: Revolutionary Stirrings II During the global Age of Revolution & rebellion, numerous factions struggled against systems of domination, exploitation, and suppression. Within this struggle, two general groups of people, sometimes referred to as “classical liberals” and “radicals,” forged partnerships against the old monarchal ruling class and the rule of European empires. Compare and […]

Write a 2-3-page essay on a selected issue related to the tension between individual freedom and social institutions. Explain the ethical basis for the relation of individuals to their government.

Freedom and Authority Write a 2-3-page essay on a selected issue related to the tension between individual freedom and social institutions. Write an essay assessing the issue you selected, both in terms of versions of social contract theory proposed by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and from your own view of the proper […]

Write a reflective essay on course and recurring themes of power and education. Explain how did engaging with the following academic experiences below help you grow.

Reflective essay on course and recurring themes of power and education Task Reflect on your learning experience this term and the process of learning. Plato told us that we could leave the cave and gain wisdom and illumination; Ibn Tufayl believed we could discover cosmic truth through analysing our lived experience; John Locke encouraged us […]

What role should religion play in political life and why?

Compare and contrast the selections from John Locke “Toleration and Government” (PIDI, pgs. 78-93 ) and the selections from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s “The Necessity for Islamic Government” (PIDI, pgs. 562-569) on the relationship between religion and politics. What role should religion play in political life and why? What are the justifications for including religion in […]

Discuss on Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s view of state of nature.

Discuss on Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s view of state of nature John Locke has a much more detailed view of the state of men in society. He holds the belief that men are free and equal to be independent selves of society, within the critical bounds of the law of nature. The state of […]

What role should religion play in political life and why?

Compare and contrast the selections from John Locke “Toleration and Government” (PIDI, pgs. 78-93 ) and the selections from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s “The Necessity for Islamic Government” (PIDI, pgs. 562-569) on the relationship between religion and politics. What role should religion play in political life and why? What are the justifications for including religion in […]

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