
Watch a foreign film and look for examples of proxemics, touch, and facial expressions. Compare these to those of the dominant culture of the United States.

Para Language Go to YouTube and view videos of services of three different religions: Catholic, Buddhist, and Jewish. Observe the nonverbal elements, noting particularly the differences in how members of each group use para language, space, and touch. Locate pictures from magazines, newspapers, and the Internet that you believe are showing the following emotions through […]

Select two (2) of the following pairs and compare each of the terms as it is understood and practiced in the religious traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism.

Assignment: Buddhist and Hindu Beliefs Comparison Essay Select two (2) of the following pairs and compare each of the terms (in that pair) as it is understood and practiced in the religious traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism: Self/No-self Samsara/Nirvana Karma/Rebirth Include the following in your paper: Introduction that clearly states your central goal (brief) […]

Describe Hume’s argument that the self is a fiction or artificial construct. How does Hume’s argument compare to the Buddhist concept of anatta or no-self?

Personal identity Focused Questions: 1.Describe Locke’s empirical approach to the self as a tabula rasa. How is memory central to the notion of self-identity in Locke’s philosophy? What are the strengths and weakness of memory as the key to self-identity? 2.Describe Hume’s argument that the self is a fiction or artificial construct. How does Hume’s […]

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