
Provide an opportunity to study a particular topic in depth. Critically consider and combine relevant theories and, where appropriate, suggest alternatives.

Research Project Research and set appropriate research objectives; identify and critically review relevant literature within the topic area; select an appropriate research methodology; locating, collecting, organising and critically analysing relevant primary and/or secondary data, draw on relevant authoritative literature in the field; draw conclusions; and, if appropriate, making relevant recommendations and indications of areas for […]

What distinctions are currently being made between the nature of information literacy and metaliteracy, and what are the implications for teaching and learning, particularly for your own professional (or personal) context?

Reflective Journal https://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/… https://courses.lumenlearning.com/isucceed-wm-coll… Post a reflective response to this prompt: What distinctions are currently being made between the nature of information literacy and metaliteracy, and what are the implications for teaching and learning, particularly for your own professional (or personal) context? For PK-8 and family/home https://www.education.com/games/ https://pbskids.org/games/ https://www.splashlearn.com/ https://www.adaptedmind.com/ https://www.jumpstart.com/aboutus/jumpstart https://www.schoolgen.co.nz/teachers/online-games/ For HS/college/adults https://www.anatomyarcade.com/games/games.html […]

Focus on two or three aspects that have stood out to you; explain why these made an impact on you, whether they changed your perception of the criminal justice system.

Discussion #3: Reflection on the course Reflection on the course (no response post required; your post should be 500–750 words approx.)For this discussion forum, reflect on the course material we have covered. There are various ways you can approach this post. Focus on two or three aspects that have stood out to you; explain why […]

Describe how the relationship between engagement of learning during the operant (instrumental) and classical conditioning experiments relates to you a student studying for a class.

Independent and dependent variables Watch the video linked below and answer ALL 20 questions posted https://www.learner.org/series/discovering-psychology/learning/ List the main topics discussed in this video as they occur: List examples of Independent and dependent variables observed in the video List examples of intervening variables inferred by those dependent variables to have been caused by those independent […]

Select a digital media account or profile of your choice and do an in-depth analysis of their audience and content strategy to provide an estimate of their engagement metrics and successes, and forward-looking insights into what is working well and what the account or profile could do to improve engagement.

Digital Media Analysis Mini-Project This mini-project asks you to select a digital media account or profile of your choice and do an in-depth analysis of their audience and content strategy to provide an (to the best of your ability lacking detailed data) estimate of their engagement metrics and successes (or challenges), and forward-looking insights into […]

Choose one character/client from the film then discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this client/character.

Social Work Practicum Watch video above While watching the episode or film, choose one character/client to use as the focus for this assignment and focus on the biopsychosocial factors that may impact the client and engagement. Observe and discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this client/character, and then share how you would engage, […]

How would you describe the leader’s ability to clearly state the meeting’s goals and to engage members in a meaningful discussion?

How would you describe the leader’s ability to clearly state the meeting’s goals and to engage members in a meaningful discussion? Was an agenda given and followed? How well did you feel the meeting was managed? If there were any guest speakers there, how well did they communicate? Be specific. How would you evaluate the […]

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