
Did Amy have any obligations to file any tax returns of any sort for any year? If yes, what might the consequences of the failures to file be?

Scenario The taxpayer is a London, England born citizen identified as Amy. Amy was born in the year of 1972 to her father George and mother Ida. George and Ida are US citizens that had once lived in Texas before the birth of their daughter Amy. The two had formerly held jobs overseas as US […]

To what extent does the accession process and the membership criteria itself safeguard the values of the European Union set out in Article 2 TEU after a Member State has joined the EU?

EU LAW QUESTION ONE When a candidate country applies to join the European Union, it works with the EU to ensure it can fulfil certain criteria. The Copenhagen Criteria 1993 sets out the political, economic and legal criteria. Alongside this, during the accession process, candidate countries have to demonstrate their willingness to engage with EU […]

Discuss how elites and the general public are “linked” in political systems around the world.

Prompts 2 prompts to answer. 800 words each. 1) “The military is the most important unelected component of government.” Evaluate this statement. In your answer, consider (a) the ways that militaries are involved in domestic politics around the world including their main tasks and (b) the other two main unelected components of government we discussed, […]

Select 2 countries and compare the current state of healthcare human resources for each you have selected.

Human Resources for Health The Lesson 7 reading discusses current issues in healthcare human resources from a global perspective. The study specifically examines countries such as the USA, Canada, and Germany just to name a few. Select 2 countries and compare the current state of healthcare human resources for each you have selected. Your response […]

Compare and analyze between the U.S and Japans data, put them in dot graphs, and then write the essay defining and explaining the logic for the data selected.

Comparison between U.S and Japans data Go to the IMF site Select By Economy Click on the highlighted bar Country Albania to open the list of countries Select one of the U.S. major trade partners (e.g, Germany, Japan, France, China, Canada… ) and press Go Once the dataset appears, place the cursor on the […]

Build a regression or path model that explains German consumers’ intention to engage on sustainable fashion consumption.

SPSS -Quantitative Methodology Report Word count – 2200 Title page, table of contents and appendix do not count against your page limit. Coursework Sustainable Fashion Consumption Imagine that you have been working in an international market research agency based in the UK. You have been asked by your boss to analyse data previously collected by […]

Prepare a a research paper focusing on the dramatic evolution of Neoclassical art and architecture across some 150 tumultuous years.

This is a research paper focused on the dramatic evolution of Neoclassical art and architecture across some 150 tumultuous years. and you can choose your own topic from the below. 1. The Grand Tour & The Rococo 2. Neoclassical Architecture of France 3. Neoclassical Architecture of Britain 4. Neoclassical Germany 5. Neoclassical Russia 6. Neoclassical […]

Review the Power Point on the Scramble for Africa and focusing on the conference and explain why it was important to Germany, Italy, and King Leopold II of Belgium?

The scramble Africa 1800 -1885 Review the Power Point on the Scramble for Africa and focusing on the conference itself: Discuss the Mission of the Conference, Who participated, Why it was important to Germany, Italy, AND King Leopold II of Belgium? What was the The Plan and the Timetable for completion?

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