greenhouse effect

Explain what ethical issues are relevant in when discussing the pollution of our environment (e.g. the greenhouse effect)?

Essay: Applied Ethics (PICK WHAT TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT PROVIDED DOWN BELOW) 3 SOURCES CITED WITH REAL SOURCES Topic List 1.Chapter 13, Environmental Ethics. What ethical issues are relevant in when discussing the pollution of our environment (e.g. the greenhouse effect)? What impact should they have on our political and economic policies? 2.Chapter 12, Animal […]

Do you believe that life on Earth can sustain a long-term significant change in temperatures? Defend your position with source material and include one of the following concepts below in your answer.

Ch4 Discussion Forum – Temperature Change Each post must be between 200 and 250 words Do you believe that life on Earth can sustain a long-term significant change in temperatures? You must answer the question with either a yes, no, or maybe and be able to defend your position with source material and Include one […]

Some scientists think that human activities may be contributing to a sixth mass extinction event. What specific evidence do they site for this possible event?

The first part of this assignment requires that you consider the history of extinction on our planet. From the Sam Noble Museum, answer the following questions: How many major mass extinction periods are listed here? Follow the links from that page to learn more about each period. What caused each, and which major groups of […]

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