
Read/view your library source. Then explain what your topic is in your own words and why you chose to research it for writing project 1.

ASSIGNMENT SpacePlace Analysis Assignment Sheet.pdf 0 Remember, for this project you are analyzing the connections between your chosen topic (Identity, Access, Culture, Diversity, Inclusion, or Community) and the spaces/places you occupy. 1. Using Methodist’s Davis Memorial Library website, find one source you can use in your Writing Project #1 to provide support for your topic. […]

Find, observe, and write a reflection paper on their observation of an online worship service of a Christian tradition other than their own and coming from the following list below.

Reflection Paper Participant Observation: Find, observe, and write a reflection paper on their observation of an online worship service of a Christian tradition other than their own and coming from the following list (Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Anglican, Coptic Christian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal, Quaker, Moravian, Mennonite, Adventist, etc.). The religious group must be […]

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