Peter Singer

Establish an energy efficiency and conservation policy that provides employees with behavioral guidelines for energy efficient use of the facility such as turning lights, copiers and computers off, appropriate thermostat use, etc.

ASSIGNMENT Instruction: Provide/Circle the right answer for each question                 Glimpse of the Environment Define the following terms with examples: (Avoid plagiarism, define in your own words the right definitions) S/N Terms Definition with examples 1. Environmental Science   2. Built environment   3. Abiotic Components   4. […]

Think about Peter Singer’s argument in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality.” Identify Singer’s argument and summarizing the argument.

Peter Singer Think about Peter Singer’s argument in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality.” Identify Singer’s argument and summarizing the argument. Then defend his argument. Your paper should include an objection and a response to the objection in the second to last paragraph of the paper, before the conclusion paragraph. Make sure to include creative, real-world examples […]

espond to the following objection to his viewpoint:On nobody should have to do more than their fair share in terms of preventing bad things.

Peter Singer argues that our current conception of moral obligation requires a drastic revision. After explaining Singer’s position and his argument for that position, critically evaluate his viewpoint. If you disagree with Singer, explain what is wrong with his argument and/or position (you may also defend one of the objections he himself raises and rejects). […]

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration).

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration). Support your position and anticipate counter-arguments. Try to spend an equal amount of time on the strengths and weaknesses. You may rely on and cite other in-class sources, such […]

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