
Briefly, how does marijuana allow us to live in the present, according to Pollan? Why is living in the present “pleasurable,” as Pollan sees it?

ASSIGNMENT Write a 300 word or so essay that examines one of the questions listed below. (Again, 300 words is NOT a word “limit,” but just a guideline, something to shoot for when you are writing.) Here are the questions: 1. At the foundation of Pollan’s understanding of the effects of marijuana is this idea […]

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration).

Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter Singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation (where he presents his theory of equal consideration). Support your position and anticipate counter-arguments. Try to spend an equal amount of time on the strengths and weaknesses. You may rely on and cite other in-class sources, such […]

What is the meaning of the title “Why Bother?” Why do you think the author chose it? What is he trying to tell us, his audience, in this title?

English 1 Web students, For your “Reading as a Writer” Response #2, compose your own rhetorical analysis of Pollan’s text “Why Bother?” In your rhetorical analysis, focus on the following parts of his text: 1. What is the meaning of the title “Why Bother?” Why do you think the author chose it? What is he […]

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