statistical tests.

Briefly describe the procedural aspects of the study. What statistical analysis was used to determine the results?

Personality Disorder Why was the study done? What background info is relevant? What are the variables? Independent Dependent What is the hypothesis? Method: 3 parts (1) Participants? Participants: age, sex, ethnicity, SES, any other relevant demographic information? Where was the study conducted? (2) Materials? What manner of equipment was used? Surveys? Physiological measurements? Brain Imaging? […]

Choose qualitative or quantitative based on what methodology you plan to use for your actual topic. Write a condensed 3–4-page methodology section for your research question using the required headings.

Methodology In week 1, you selected a topic and developed a research question for that topic. Then, you developed a data gathering instrument to measure the question either quantitatively or qualitatively. Now that you have had the opportunity to read how scholarly methodologies are written, you will write a condensed 3–4-page methodology section for your […]

Describe in detail what data analysis techniques would be appropriate to apply to your proposed study and justify why they are appropriate.

Pro and cons of paying college athletes Your final Data Analysis Report must be between 400-500 words and include the following: State your variables and hypotheses. Describe in detail what data analysis techniques would be appropriate to apply to your proposed study and justify why they are appropriate. Explain why these are appropriate for your […]

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