Vending Machine

Observe how long people take to make a purchase at various machines and determine the factors that influence the deliberation time.

Question 2: Observing Deliberation Time This observation task can be conducted near any vending machine at your workplace, public library, mall, or any other location. Observe how long people take to make a purchase at various machines and determine the factors that influence the deliberation time. List the variables that would affect deliberation time. List […]

Write a program that calculates the amount of change to be returned from a vending machine using Harry Potter currency.

Assignment 3 – Vending Machine Write a program that calculates the amount of change to be returned from a vending machine using Harry Potter currency. In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the currency system is not based off dollars and cents, but instead 3 different coins: knuts, sickles, and galleons. The conversion values for […]

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