
In an essay, establish what American Identity means to a writer at the end of your readings up to this point (Paine, Crevecoeur, Knight, Byrd, or Franklin – only).

American Identity The first part of our readings witness the development of an identifiable American Identity. This assignment has two parts. 1. Establish what American Identity means to a writer at the end of your readings up to this point (Paine, Crevecoeur, Knight, Byrd, or Franklin – only); 2. Then, show how this writer builds […]

Write a short argumentative essay over one or two of the Beginnings to the 1700s works in the course proving either its impact on current culture.

Write a short argumentative essay (500 words minimum) over one or two of the Beginnings to the 1700s works (Columbus, Bradstreet, Winthrop, Edwards, etc.) in the course proving either its impact on current culture (how is it still relevent OR being referenced, used in movies– for examples, etc.) AND/OR how historical occurrences impacted, inspired the […]

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