
Wite a summary of the foundational principles of worship discussed over the past two weeks. What do these concepts teach you about God?

Reflection Journal James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It is not enough to simply study principles of worship; you must also put them into practice. The purpose of this assignment is to recall and rehearse the biblical foundations of worship and discuss how […]

Research a place of worship for any religion in any of the styles. Explain anything that you would change in the building to make it more appropriate or innovative (but remember, no electricity!) for the time period.

Mini Research Paper For this assignment you are to research a place of worship for any religion in any of the styles that we discuss in this class OR for any religion that was in existence or begun before the year 1400. You must turn in a 800 word (minimum) paper with MLA formatting and […]

Examine some potential pitfalls in your worldview or even the worldview you see upheld around you. How would you propose overcoming it?

Discussion thread You will continue to expound upon your previous discussion by focusing on the importance of one’s intellectual understanding of a biblical worldview and how the Bible shapes your desires. After watching the video presentation titled Worship and the Biblical Worldview, continue the discussion by interacting with the following questions: In what ways is […]

Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of theology proper.

Read Chapter 14 (Grudem ), Michael Horton chapter 6 and chapter 7 and : Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of theology proper (trinity, God’s attributes, worship, etc). This is a statement of your own personal convictions, but should be supported by biblical references. avoid long quotes — either from the […]

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