Day: May 7, 2021

Critically examine the concept of ‘unconscious bias’ in organisational settings 3000 words”

Hi this is a 3000 word essay that needs to be completed to a high standards – UK writer only please. The title I have chosen is “Critically examine the concept of ‘unconscious bias’ in organisational settings 3000 words” and below are some of the things u could talk about Define leadership and management What […]

Define Action Research as it applies to teaching 10th grade U.S. History to a group of students that come from all different classes.

Instructions for assignment: U.S. WRITER REQUIRED (write as if you are a 45 year old male in this course that is striving to teach full time instead of substituting) Below is the assignment DIRECTLY from the professor and the grading rubric uploaded too. The course is an education based degree capstone. In this case it’s […]

Discuss how control engineering is critical to the safety and productivity of the process industries

Chemical engineering “Discuss how control engineering is critical to the safety and productivity of the process industries The essay should 600 words and include a range of references and examples chemical and biochemical industrial processes. Use the following guidelines to self-assess your work before submission University Performance Descriptors – Level 6 (From September 2015) Note […]

Write a report outlining a treatment plan for a mentally disordered patient who has just arrived within a medium secure hospital

Report outlining a treatment plan for a mentally disordered patient who has just arrived within a medium secure hospital A 33-year-old female with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and a history of self-harming behaviour. The patient has a history of assault on staff and patients, and is considered a revolving door patient. The offense resulting in […]

Critically consider the degree to which endogenous opioids and their receptors are involved in pleasure responses

Choose one of the questions below Section B: 3. “Alterations in Serotonin reuptake transporters (SERT) and specific serotonin receptors play a critical role in the aetiology of affective disorders”. With a focus on SERTs and/or serotonin receptors consider to what extent this statement is true. 4. Critically consider the degree to which endogenous opioids and […]

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