Discuss an area within total rewards programs that you did not see much of during your research, but feel it would be beneficial for more organizations to implement. Explain.

Topic Information

Your organization is considering the immediate implementation of a total rewards program in an effort to recruit top talent and improve employee performance and motivation. Before making a selection on what to include in this program, your team would like to learn about some of the most effective total reward program elements being used today.

As a human resources professional, you have been asked to construct a research report that is 7-10 pages in length and includes:

Total Rewards Programs that include
compensation and benefits
work-life balance and wellness
performance and service recognition
career development opportunities

Recommend a total reward program that includes all of the components above and explain the reason for your recommendation.

Discuss an area within total rewards programs that you did not see much of during your research, but feel it would be beneficial for more organizations to implement. Explain.

Discuss an area within total rewards programs that you did not see much of during your research, but feel it would be beneficial for more organizations to implement. Explain.
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