
Explain how the approach shown reflects the psychodynamic theory and critique the aforementioned therapeutic approach’s effectiveness.

Videotaped counselling session from the psychodynamic perspective 1. Analyse and critique a videotaped counselling session from the psychodynamic perspective. 2. Explain how the approach shown reflects the psychodynamic theory (on which it is based) and critique the aforementioned therapeutic approach’s effectiveness. Video link:

In a coursework explain how developers should approach creating a game set during a historical period/event?

Videogames and history Answer the following questions. Each answer should be 500-1000 words. Only make reference to the materials attached or listed here. DO NOT use outside sources. Q1-Video games provide only an entertaining experience to gamers. Do you agree? (disagree with this and discuss games as educational, therapeutic etc) Q2-How should developers approach creating […]

Write a systematic review comparing two therapeutic interventions in gastroenterology or gastroenterology related complications.

Therapeutic Advances in GastroenterologyAssessment #2 – Mini Systematic Review Write a systematic review comparing two therapeutic interventions in gastroenterology or gastroenterology related complications, or assessing theefficacy and safety of a therapeutic intervention in gastroenterology or gastroenterology related complications.

Conduct and record a therapeutic role-play for 20mins. Select a 10 minute section and then analyze the process using the person-centred/experiential approach.

Process Report Conduct and record a therapeutic role-play for 20mins. Select a 10 minute section and then analyse the process using the person-centred/experiential approach. For the recording a transcript has been added, but there is no key provided no numbering. So, could the writer add a key and number the transcript, ? after that is […]

Draw and briefly discuss the signalling pathway delineated in this study and how this adds to what was previously known about HIF regulation.

Structured evaluative piece of writing based on this research paper: UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1α Goto, Y., Zeng, L., Yeom, C. et al. UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1α. Nat Commun 6, 6153 (2015). Full paper: Questions to […]

.Analyze therapeutic communication techniques and communication foundations. Describe the foundations of health care communication.

Module objectives 1.Analyze therapeutic communication techniques and communication foundations. 2. Describe the foundations of health care communication. 3.Examine Health care literacy. 4.Compare and contrast behavioral change theories. 5.Compare and contrast communicating with special patient populations. Read assignments Book by Van Servellen Chapte 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 Masters (2020) chapter 10 Van Servellen: chapter […]

Write an essay on the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria and address the prevalence rate of the disorder in the general population and within specific populations, if applicable.

Borderline Personality Disorder You will submit a paper detailing a mental illness found within the DSM 5. Your paper should include the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria and address the prevalence rate of the disorder in the general population and within specific populations, if applicable. Address the development and course of the disorder and detail an […]

Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations.

Controversy Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders: Narcissistic personality disorder Review Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on assessing, diagnosing, and treating personality and paraphilic disorders. Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment. Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial […]

Critically debate PCT as it applies to a wide range of psychopathology and therapeutic change.

1) Focus on Carl Rogers and his Person Centred Theory of Psychotherapy – explore how effective this method of therapy would be for clients experiencing the loss/end of a relationship. 2) Critically debate PCT as it applies to a wide range of psychopathology and therapeutic change. 3)Understand a wide range of causes of psychological distress […]

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